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  • Writer's picturenn1016

How we Heal

Sunburnt skin, charcoaled lips dry from licking the salt of water and tears

Eyes no longer able to see far

attuned to the 2D world of the white foamy screens with black overlay…the determiner of  my future and fate.

Sutured into my being….tensity.



 I am too sensitive.  

Help with this.  

I want….Pure bliss.

I want to see my dreams twist into fruition

 and for the ones who grew me to:

 smile wide teeth white  

eyes glowing

wrinkled skin from grins. 

I want them to think I win.  

My back arches , hunched over from the dwelling over the right choice.

What’s the point?

I completed the little game

 I jumped through the hoop with scorching fire on every side

360 degrees

screaming I want to be free.

To just Be.

But the words free on a page aren’t enough, and the gold we wear and the numbers in the bank and the people who say wow You are Somebody and the hopes and aspirations and the desire and yes….you are of the ones who..


So what did you learn through your journey?  

I learned its okay to not be enough, to say its too tough.

I learned when I look into the eyes of the one’s who taught me and raised me, they can still see the 3D world I cannot see, and we see differently.

I learned that no matter how much you aspire, you will retire.

I learned that its okay to say no, im tired.

I learned that a dream isn’t always the dream you wished now, but the ultimate goal isn’t any of that, its…




Feel the reality around you burning because….

you never escaped that loop of fire you thought you jumped through. Held in place in space and time, its not time to fine wine and dine.

Its time to cry, and that’s fine.

Because your path is determined

So stay determined

You know the truth.   

And one day you will bare the fruit




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