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  • Writer's picturenn1016

They Say It Only Happens In The Movies

Legs heavy, eyes red, throbbing head,

Daily symptoms of a typical busy city life.

I pass by hundreds of faces blending in the night all trying to escape, Averting gaze, most of the time.

I saw your bright eyes, rise above the too tired crowd as they drudge home alone.

Our eyes met,

As if our souls detached from our bodies

dancing in the air

meeting each other halfway

greeting each other with immense joy.

Sparks flooded our bones,

We knew we weren’t alone.

As we held each other’s stare

We left our world’s for just a while

We began to smile.

Walking back to each other to finally touch my stranger’s hand

A feeling that even a poem can’t give justice to.

Now I realize our hearts beat in rhythm at night,

It makes sense how we found each other that night,

I know my love; it just feels right.

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